*Sigh* Fear…
Fear is not foreign to any of us. For some it's a constant companion and for others it's a friend from the past who visits at the most inconvenient of times. There's a good fear that tells you..you're standing too close to the edge and you need to back up, and then there's the other fear, the one that tells you that you'll fail before you even get started.
I think we can both agree that FEAR is not your friend. It often holds you back and paralyzes you and it can often leave you feeling stuck. It's like a giant wall that reads "You Can't Do It. Don't Even Try". The crazy thing is fear is really 'self protection'. The tall walls of fear that keep you confined actually make you feel safe. It's comfortable; that's why they call it a 'comfort zone' and the second you try to step beyond the boundaries of what's comfortable fear will be there to greet you.
I want to share with you how I make fear work for me and how I keep fear in check so it's not ruling my life.