Tuesday, August 29, 2017

" I Want Her Life"

Photo Credit: Atikh Bana 
Paris, France
We know Instagram is not real, we've heard the quote about comparing our behind the scenes with everyones highlight reel, but every now and then you may see something that makes you think "Nope, I'm pretty convince that her life is better than mine. And frankly I wish I was her". No? Just me?  [nervous laugh]

What I'm about to tell you is nothing new but allow yourself to really think about this... there is only one you! No one on this earth can live your life but you (really think about that). Let's not get so wrapped up in watching everyone live their lives that we forget to live our own. There is gifting, untapped dreams, unsaid words, and unplanned adventures on the inside of you. There is so much in you and It's so easy to lose sight of that when we are constantly focusing on the lives 'perfectly curated photos' of others.

Anywhoo, because I'm a woman of action and recognize that things won't change unless we do.. here are my Top Tips for anyone struggling in this area; who just needs a kick-in-the butt or a gentle reminder that YOUR LIFE IS HAPPENING NOW!

1. Initiate Creating Memories
Are you the type of person who is always waiting for an invite? Waiting for someone to plan something? Wishing for community. Well today, make a decision that you'll be the one to make it happen. Get out your calendar and set a date to have a few loved ones over at your house for real Face Time. You can't go wrong with quality time, good food and great conversation.
If for whatever reason you find yourself in a season where the people around you feel more like  acquaintances than friends...take the first step in initiating friendship. We need people do actually do life with. Here's a great article on "6 Non-Awkward ways to Make Friends".

Photo Credit: Herson Rodriguez

2. Find Out What's Inside of You
There are many gifts and strength assessments like StrengthFinders that will help get you started in discovering what's inside of you. A fun free way to do this is to simply ask those closest to you. Send a text to those closest to you asking "What would you say I am passionate about and/or gifted in?" Take note of the reoccurring themes that come up. Sometimes we downplay our strengths and gifts as 'nothing special' because of how easily it comes to us. I'm a huge believer that what's inside of you isn't meant for you alone, there are people waiting for what's inside of you.

Photo Credit: Giulia Bertelli
3. Practice Thanksgiving
Give thanks! Right there, in the middle of your feelings of frustration, inadequacy or even jealousy start thanking God out loud for everything you can think of. Most times we just need a perspective shift to realize what a gift the lives we have truly are. There is always a reason to be thankful. Plus Joy and Gratitude are pretty much best friends. Give it a try.

Last but definitely not least, I believe that true abundant life is found in Jesus. He died not for "good boys and girls" but for everyone. He said of Himself that He came in to the world that we might have life...abundant life (John 10:10)! I use to think that Christianity was all about 'restrictions and limits' but that is the furthest thing from the truth. It is and will always be about real freedom, love, life with the purpose of reconciling all people in to a powerful relationship with their Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. The amazing thing is you don't have to just take my word for it or 'wait and see'. Because of the Holy Spirit you can experience His power, love, life and walk in relationship with Him everyday.

So cheers to living abundantly and becoming all that we were created to be!

With Love,
Sherina Shantelle

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