Photo Credit: Roberto Nickson
Is it just me or is there a full blown attack on joy? Sometimes it's blatant and obvious like a looming cloud there to greet you first thing in the morning, and other times it's more of a chipping away. Almost like a series of events that chip away at joy:
- Scrolling through a series of happy highlights and exciting events on social media at a time when you're feeling lonely, bored or stuck!
- Looking in the mirror and feeling less than excited with who is looking back at you
- Disappointments and Unmet desires
- Hormones (it's a real thing...)
I want you to know that you're not alone. It can most definitely feel that way when you're in the middle of this 'fight' but you are NOT alone. Also, you're not a victim; you don't have to throw up a white flag and allow these feelings to colour your whole day. I want to share my Top Tips in Fighting for Joy (these are not nice-sounding theories they are proven strategies that I use whenever my joy is being shaken...and honey they work! ).