Seriously, I cannot believe I am even writing this post! Even after one year (…technically 11 months) it still feels really surreal to me. I am SO SO grateful for this past year. I have learnt, grown, and experienced so much here, it blows my mind just thinking about it. Sometimes I think to myself…what if I hadn't, what if I ignored the little (random) whisper that I should go to Australia? What if I let fear keep me back? And trust me I had a lot of reasons to be afraid:
-no money
-no job
-didn't know anyone
-Aussie is home to all the deadliest animals in the world (HA! …I had this told to me quite a bit)
The truth is I was more afraid of NOT doing it then I was of actually going. Who wants to live with the thoughts of "What If" hanging over them forever? I just want to encourage you to trust God and listen for His voice. Don't be afraid to take risks. He is faithful; I could tell you miracle after miracle that I've experienced and seen this year!! He is FAITHFUL.
Also, I've decided to do SECOND year here at Hillsong College!!! (It's funny I had a nagging sense that I'd be doing second year but I didn't want to admit it to myself… saying to my loved ones that I'll be away for 1 year was easier for me to digest lol). Anywho, Im super excited to start second year (mind you I still don't know how but I'm believing that God will make a way). The courses I'm most excited about is Marriage & Family, Coaching and Preaching. It's going to be so so good.
Here are some glimpses in to my year:
Meet Richlyn & Marna, I asked for Flatmates and I got Sisters!! (love these girls)
+our flatmates that aren't depicted Kristie & Lisa (so so blessed).
Sunsets in Australia are like no other! This is the famous BONDI beach.
Rooftop hangouts with our Tutorial Group.
Northern Beaches…so gorgeous!
Baptizing Alvis! Such a highlight. xx
Seriously…if this is creation imagine the Creator
I guess we all had the same idea..
First time at the beach (it was winter…didn't swim)
First Hot Christmas! So odd..aha
Sisters <3
Cliff jumping !!!
Cross equals love campaign: Groups of us went to every beach and created larger than life sized CROSS EQUALS LOVE designs in the sand (all before sunrise). The campaign was for EASTER <3 loved it!
Le Crew
Our very first intruder! (Pure Comedy! It looked a lot bigger in person)
I love receiving letters from loved ones. Here's one from Priscille <3
Nannying Liam! PRAISE REPORT: My dream job was working for an established wedding photographer who loved Jesus and was starting a family and that's EXACTLY what happened!
(James 4:2-3)
PRAISE REPORT!: My mum got to come to Aussie & attend Colour conference 2015! It was seriously a dream of mine that I thought was impossible…(Mark 9:23)
Mum & I at the Colour Conf photo wall!

Mum's departure. Moments after this was taken I bawled my eyes out! Miss her..
Nilendri came to visit me…I feel like this didn't really happen because she came for the day! aha
The pamper team at Colour Conf 2 for students in the City
The rooftop of our new home! So grateful! PRAISE REPORT: 3 spots opened up for my sisters and I, to move in to a fully furnished home with 2 incredible Canadian gals aha .
Still shooting! My goal is to officially start Sherina Shantelle photography in Australia!
I want to be able to abundantly bless others.
SISTERHOOD! This is only one room there are hundreds and we get to unite across a live link! So awesome to see God's daughters gather together to place value on womanhood across the world and make a difference! #BetterTogether
More Breathtaking sunsets do not do it justice!
SPRING BABY SPRING! The foyer of our changes with the seasons and events in church life.
Straightened my hair! In jammies with the roomie!
Wherever I am at sunset I try to stop and just praise God! I am so grateful.. I don't ever want to take Him and His creation for granted. We are so incredibly blessed.
LOL! This is me imitating my flatmates top knot, haha it doesn't quite work with my hair this never went public.
Could't have asked for a better tutorial <3 xx
The Original Crew hehe
That moment when someone appears in the exact same outfit as you (unplanned)..
This is a small glimpse in to the year.. obviously there is so much that cannot be depicted like the work that God did in my heart. He's revealed so much of Himself to me and I've discovered more of who I am because of Him. He's helped me overcome my insecurities, fears and small thinking. There's nothing like be surrounded by inspiring people from so many different nations, cultures and experiences who've all encountered the same God! I love hearing their stories of how God changed their lives; ill be sharing some soon.
DISCLAIMER: It's so easy to take a glimpse in to someone's life and assume their life is perfect or better than yours! Don't believe the hype lol…the images of me crying, stressing and venting have all been omitted from this blog post but I am actually grateful for every challenge, test, and temptation…they've helped me learn, grow and trust God. This has been one the most incredible seasons of my life but it's not without its hard times and challenges. I'm grateful that through it all the Holy Spirit is right there with me…that's who helps me persevere , that's who keeps be grateful. It's not fluff - He will journey with you if you let Him.
SO here's to another year!!!
P.S If you'd like to donate money towards my second year of studying/living expenses please click the link to the right of this blog. Also, if you'd like to help sponsor me with reoccurring payments or invest into my photography business please email me at :
Fear Not,
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