I heard about this social experiment they did where they divided an art class in two. They told half the class that they would be graded on the quantity of pots that they could make and they told the second group that they would be graded on the quality of the pots they made. Funny thing is the most beautiful high quality pots came from the first group because they weren't concerned about meeting the 'quality standards' they were free to create, make mistakes and improve with every pot they made. This group quickly learnt new ways of how they could improve. Meanwhile, the second group worked tirelessly to make their first pot perfect and didn't get nearly as great results!
Isn't that wild? It makes sense though right? The fear of failure and the need for perfection will literally paralyze you.
My purpose in writing this is to encourage you to GO FOR IT! I believe in preparation, I believe in doing your best but I'm learning that sometimes you've just got to just go for it. There will always be a reason of why you can't start yet, or something that you can improve but it's all a part of the process.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill
Just keep heading in the right direction with the right motives and you'll be alright! Don't wait for perfection this world needs what you can bring! Don't let fear of failure and perfectionism keep you stuck at the starting line.
So for my practical people here are 3 things that you can do TODAY to help free you from the fear of failure.
1) Watch this incredible mini-documentary called CHASING FAILURE it's short and sweet!
2) Write down 1-3 things that you've been hesitating to do/start due to fear &
put a date and time to it and share it publicly or with trusted friends and family
3) Try a new experience that you've never done before Ex. Salsa dancing or Painting ("failing at something fun with low stakes will help change your perspective from failing to learning). Don't just say you'll do it set a date! Research a class nearby. Actually do it! :) Comment below what it is that you will do!
This was a recent chasing failure moment for me where I finally launched my photography website! I announced my launch date and did it! :
Here's to not letting fear hold us back!
I'M EXCITEDDDD are you?!
You're Loved
Sherina Shantelle
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